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Skating Treadmill

Benefits of the Skating Treadmill

The skating treadmill allows each skater to enhance his/her skating technique, efficiency, speed, power, and explosiveness.  By increasing the speed up to 20mph, we are able to train quickness in both stride frequency and recovery.  With the ability of the treadmill to reach up to 30 degrees of incline, we are able to overload the muscle system during the training sessions, creating a stronger, more explosive stride. 

During the session, each skater is harnessed up to an overhead safety system that allows them to push their limits of skating without fear of falling. A safety bar is located directly in front the skater to allow them to hold during specific drills. This enables the athlete to better grasp the lower body mechanics without fear of falling.  Skaters also use the bar to train at faster speeds and higher inclines than they normally might be able to. 

A mirror is placed in front of the skating treadmill as well to allow the skater to see and analyze their own form while in motion during their skates.  This allows the athlete to constantly correct their bad habits and create new, more proper habits.  All throughout their treadmill session, a professional trainer is guiding them through their mechanical corrections and instructing them as needed.  Once an athlete masters the technique of their stride, we are then able to train them to stickhandle on the treadmill while in motion.

Jon Kerr

Coach in Chief/Player Development