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2024-2025 Season Age Classifications and Costs

Level Born Between EHA Registration Fee Amount Due at Registration Payment Plan
Termites 06/01/19 - 05/31/20 $0 $0 No
Mini Mite/6U 06/01/17 - 05/31/19 $85 $85 No
Mite/8U 06/01/15 - 05/31/17 $445 $445 No
Squirt/10U 06/01/13- 05/31/15 $1,145 (Goalies $572.50) $378 Yes
Peewee/12U 06/01/11 - 05/31/13 $1,735 (Goalies $867.50) $573 Yes
15U 06/01/08 - 05/31/11 $1,410 (Goalies $705) $465 Yes
Bantam 06/01/09 - 05/31/11 $1,735 (Goalies $867.50) $573 Yes
Jr Gold 06/01/05 - 05/31/09 $1,100(Goalies $550) $363 Yes
  • EHA Fee does not include USA Hockey/MN Hockey fees. 
  • A Dibs Volunteering deposit check must be submitted prior to a player participating in EHA activities.  Please refer to the Volunteering page for more information. 
  • Please note (re: Girls Program): all players within EHA boundaries must register through EHA, not IGH. 

2024-2025 Season Registration

Please review the chart above to ensure that you sign your player up for the correct level.  If you are unsure of the correct level, please contact us for guidance prior to registering.  Registration fees will increase approximately 5%  August 31st for Squirt, 10U, Peewee, 12U, and Bantams; October 1st for Mite and below. 

USA Hockey Registration

Your player needs to register through USA Hockey before registering through EHA. It may take a few minutes after registering through USA Hockey before SportsEngine will recognize your new USA Hockey number.

EHA DOES NOT serve the entire city of Eagan

The governing body for Eagan Hockey is Minnesota Hockey. Minnesota Hockey states that registration for hockey is based on the association of residence or the association of school attendance. Eagan Hockey's service area is defined by the boundaries of attendance at Eagan High School as defined by District 196.  

Before you begin, please verify that your family is eligible to play in the Eagan Hockey Association by entering your house number and city at this link. If your address appears and the link shows "Eagan High School" as the high school that serves your address, you are free to register here. Otherwise, please see the appropriate neighboring associations (Eastview, Rosemount, Sibley, Apple Valley, or Burnsville).

If your address is outside of the Eagan High School boundaries and you are looking to play for EHA, please note that Minnesota Hockey modified their rules related to school-based waivers January 2024. Use of school-based waivers has become more restrictive and is only applicable to those players who have finished their last year of mites and are registering for their first year of squirts. Any players not eligible for a school-based waiver who have a desire to play for an Association outside the boundaries of their physical home address must seek and be granted a one year "discretionary" waiver for each player for each individual hockey season. 

If you have any questions about where to register, please contact the EHA Registrar. We will not give full refunds to those that register incorrectly and did not check ahead of time.

Liz Becker

Registrar/Volunteer Coordinator

MN Hockey Level Classifications

Birth dates are set by MN Hockey.  You'll register for the level that corresponds to your child's age classification. However, if your child has a summer birthdate and is in the "Peer Play Grade", they can register for that level. 

Ex: A child who has a Mini-Mite level birthdate, can register for Mini-Mite OR (if they are in 2nd grade) can register for Mite.  If that player has a Mini-Mite birthdate but is in 1st grade, they MUST register for Mini-Mite.

NOTE: EHA may request proof of grade if your player is playing up. 

Please send completed Waivers to

Minnesota Hockey Player Participation Rule - Defined

Refer to Section IV of the Minnesota Hockey Youth Rules and Regulations for the types of and restrictions for Waivers.

See below for a summary interpretation of the rule and what it means for playing in the Eagan Hockey Association.

A player's participation in a specific hockey association is determined by Minnesota Hockey's Participation Rule. In general, youth hockey players must register and participate with the association whose boundaries incorporate the player's residence or the player's school.  Under the current rule, players have the option of essentially playing where they live or where they go to school - provided, in the case of the latter, that a School Attendance Waiver is on file (this is an automatic waiver).

EHA is governed by USA Hockey and Minnesota Hockey, through an affiliation agreement. In the affiliate agreements, Minnesota Hockey defines the geographical boundaries and jurisdiction of its member hockey associations including EHA. Minnesota Hockey has assigned only those parts of Inver Grove Heights and Eagan that are in District 196 and the Eagan High School boundary. 

If your current residential address is outside the District 196 school boundary for Eagan High School you will need to get a waiver for your child to play with EHA. There are two different waivers available for these circumstances; one is a 1 Year Discretionary (Player Participation) Waiver and the other is a School Attendance Waiver. The School Attendance Waiver is for those players who reside outside of the EHA boundaries but who attend a school that is within the EHA boundaries and who desire to play for EHA. 

Both the 1 Year Participation Waiver and the School Attendance Waiver use the same form and require the same approval/signature process with only one difference. The School Attendance waiver is automatic and is required only once and at time of a change in schools, whereas the 1 Year Participation Waiver, as it's name suggests, is required every year.

In order for your child to participate on ice with EHA, we are asking that you do the following as soon as possible and before tryouts (if applicable):

(1)  Get a Waiver from the President of your home association. 

Your home association should provide the Waiver form.  It is a quadruplicate form.  In some cases, a printed form in 4 copies may be presented; however please note that EHA's District 8 Director prefers and recommends that the quadruplicate form be used whenever possible.

For School Attendance Waivers, please provide evidence of school enrollment (e.g. copy of recent grade report) along with the Waiver form.

(2)  Once the Waiver is completed and signed by your home association President, contact the EHA President to get the necessary EHA signature.       

(3)  The EHA President will deliver the completed waiver to the EHA Registrar and then contact you/return the form to you to bring back to your home District - for signature by the District Director. 
Note:  In some instances, certain Associations & Districts will have the District Director sign after the Association President.

(4)  You will finally return the form back to the EHA Registrar for signature by our District 8 Director. 

(5)  The fully signed and approved Waiver form will be attached to each Team's Roster for certification.


Please email your completed waiver to the EHA Registrar:

Please see the EHA Hardship Policy in the EHA Handbook for more information.